Laura Etchells, a mother of two, works a full-time job in publishing, but her schedule is compressed into four days. Being able to take Friday off saves her around 350 pounds (about $440 U.S. dollars) each month in childcare costs, and she says it makes her more productive in her job.
Jason Magee's workplace - Cortex, a software firm – tried out compressed work hours: 35 hours over four days each week. The longer working days were challenging, and made him less productive. However, when Cortex moved to four-day weeks with reduced hours, the feedback on work was much more positive.
The Labour Party is moving to strengthen workers' rights for more flexible hours. However, Small Business Britain's Michelle Ovens has concerns, saying that introducing a four-day workweek could lead to higher staffing costs. She suggests other ways of improving flexibility and accommodating staff than a strict four-day work week system. Mitchell Labiak and Shanaz Musafer "Does working a four-day week make you happier" (Sept. 04, 2024).
So, the question for our readers is: Would A Four-Day Workweek Work For U.S. Employers?
Please take the poll. Here is the opinion of one of the McCalmon editorial staff:
Jack McCalmon, Esq.
A four-day workweek is a great idea on paper…the trick is whether employees want to take less pay (because they are working fewer hours) or do they expect the same pay (for working fewer hours) which increases employment costs by 20 percent. Until then, employers should focus on flex scheduling as an affordable alternative.
You can answer our poll. Please note any comments provided may be shared with others.