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Do Gen Z Workers Lack The Essential Soft Skills To Succeed? You Make The Call

A survey claims that Gen Z employees lack the necessary skills to succeed. What do you think? You make the call and join the conversation.

"Bait And Switch" Scheduling Leads To Accommodation Dispute And EEOC Settlement

A healthcare employer will pay $80K to settle a claim involving a change in schedule and a reasonable accommodation request. We examine.

Poof, It Was Gone! Preventing Embezzlement Of Cash

We examine an embezzlement scheme that included taking advantage of unauthorized cash withdrawals. Learn about the risk.

Are You Having Trouble Hiring The Employees You Need? You Make The Call

The number of workers of prime working age is reduced, and the number of workers of other ages is at a record low. Are you having trouble meeting hiring needs? You make the call.

The Legal Liability Of Allowing Healthcare Staff To Work Through Breaks

When healthcare staff members work through required rest or meal breaks, it could violate the law. We examine.