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Making Tough Decisions On The Direction Of A Practice? Make Sure To Give Time To Patient Safety

Two Oregon surgeons sue their former healthcare group for retaliation. They claim they are whistleblowers, but are they? We examine.

Multi-year Embezzlement Scheme At Macy's Discovered

One person embezzled $154 million from Macy's over a period of three years. Learn about the risk.

Do Gen Z Workers Lack The Essential Soft Skills To Succeed? You Make The Call

A survey claims that Gen Z employees lack the necessary skills to succeed. What do you think? You make the call and join the conversation.

"Bait And Switch" Scheduling Leads To Accommodation Dispute And EEOC Settlement

A healthcare employer will pay $80K to settle a claim involving a change in schedule and a reasonable accommodation request. We examine.

Poof, It Was Gone! Preventing Embezzlement Of Cash

We examine an embezzlement scheme that included taking advantage of unauthorized cash withdrawals. Learn about the risk.